
In the template you can use variables. These are replaced by the plugin with the correct value.
To use a variable, use the following syntax: {{ variable_name }}, for example {{ order.customer.first_name }}.
Order item variables are available inside the itemLoop and itemLoopEnd elements, for example {{ item.title }}.
If you want to include (simple) if statements, use the following syntax: {{ if variable_name }}...{{ endif }}, or as a negative {{ if not variable_name }}...{{ endif }}.
Possible variables depend on your notification system. You can use the options object and every template has his own data object.
Depending on the plugin you use, (almost) every plugin that supports attachments based on medusa-plugin-sendgrid has the same variable order after the options variable which holds all the plugin variables.
More information on the possible values that order can have can be found here.

Variable functions

At the moment the only variable you can use functions with is dates and currency.

  • Dates are formatted using the toLocaleDateString function and can be used like this: {{ order.placed_at | date('en-US',{'year': 'numeric', 'month': 'long', 'day': 'numeric'}) }}.
  • Currency is formatted using the new Intl.NumberFormat() function and can be used like this: {{ order.total_price | currency('en-US') }}.
  • Country can be formatted from ISO to the full country name and can be used like this: {{ order.shipping_address.country_code | country }}.
    Please make sure that the options are wrapped in single quotes.