
The plugin uses the Postmark template system for emails. For attachments the plugin relies on the pdfkit library.
In your JSON templates you can use several types (and variables):

  • image for (local) images
  • text for simple words, (long) sentences, paragraphs and links
  • moveDown for moving the cursor down one line
  • hr for a horizontal line
  • tableRow for a table(-like) row
  • itemLoop for looping over items in an order
  • itemLoopEnd for ending the item loop


    "type": "image",
    "image": "image.png",
    "x": 100,
    "y": 100,
    "fit": [200, 50]
    "type": "text",
    "text": "This is a text",
    "size": 20
    "type": "moveDown",
    "lines": 2
    "type": "hr"
    "type": "moveDown",
    "lines": 2
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Another text"


Images are stored in /src/images/ and can be used in the template like this:

    "type": "image",
    "image": "image.png",
    "x": 100,
    "y": 100,
    "fit": [200, 50]

fit has multiple options, see here for more info.


  • align horizontally align the image, the possible values are left, center, or right
  • valign vertically align the image, the possible values are top, center, or bottom


Text can be used for words, sentences, paragraphs and links.

    "type": "text",
    "text": "This is a text"

If you use moveDown correct you won't need to use x and y for the text.


These options can be used to style the text or to position it.

  • x the x position of the text
  • y the y position of the text
  • font the font of the text
  • size the font size of the text
  • color the color of the text (Hex codes #ff0000)
  • width the width of the text
  • align the alignment of the text, the possible values are left, center, right, or justify.

For more styling options, see here for more info.


This is used to move the cursor down one or more line(s).

    "type": "moveDown",
    "lines": 1


This is used to draw a horizontal line.

    "type": "hr"


  • color the color of the line (Hex codes #ff0000)
  • width the width of the line if you don't want it to be the full width of the page
  • height the height of the line element, including padding
  • y the y position of the line if you can not rely on the cursor (affected by moveDown)


This is used to draw a table row.

    "type": "tableRow",
    "columns": [
            "text": "Column 1",
            "width": 200
            "text": "Column 2",
            "width": 150


You can use the same options as for text to style the text in the table row. If you want a special column styled, you can add the options to the column object.


This is used to start the loop of items in an order.
To access item variables, use the item object, for example {{ item.title }}.

    "type": "itemLoop"


This is used to end the loop of items in an order.

    "type": "itemLoopEnd"